Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes...

Kids say the darndest things. Here are some of the funny things I've heard recently:

"It's okay Ms. Jess. It's only a legend and it only happens at sunrise."

"It's loosing it's wet!" (Talking about a clorox wipe becoming dry)

Vocabulary card with "which" - "Witch... EW! I don't like those things!"

"Come see my Jelly Fishing dance."

"It looks like a hurricane is going to happen." (I said, "Hurricanes don't happen in Utah because the hurricane can only start in an ocean and we don't live by an ocean.) "Oh! No wonder I've never seen one!"

"I can count by 15's. Wanna hear?" (And he did!)

We talked about different areas like mountains, deserts, etc. "Hey! I'm in Kobe's habitat!"

We went to see Ballet West's Nutcracker. "The boy who took the nutcracker from Clara is a BIG BULLLLLLY!"