Monday, December 29, 2008

I've Had a Bad Day...

I had to have oral surgery to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth today. I actually felt pretty good. I'm on pain pills, but I felt pretty good.

Until 3:30. Erick just came home from buying me some soup from Leatherby's for lunch. I was light headed and leaning against him... The next thing I knew, Erick was standing over me "Jess.. Are you okay? You just passed out!"

I told him I was fine, but my head hurt a lot. He put his hand under me to provide a pillow when he realized I was bleeding.

So, a 3 hour ER visit resulted in 4 stitches in the back of my head.

I'm fine, but I was pretty embarrassed. Hopefully I won't have any more ER visits while I'm re cooping from my wisdom teeth. And now I'll have a super cool scar on my head.


thepworth said...

My mom just told me about this! I'm so sorry! Hope you are feeling better soon.