Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today we got some of my favorite weather.

It was rainy. Dark gray clouds covered the sky. Big drops of rain fell on my car. It smelled wonderfully clean. And every once in a while the sun would poke out through the dark clouds.

First, I love the smell of rain. Smelling that clean, woody smell makes me happy. I wish Johnson and Johnson could capture that fragrance and put it in bathroom cleaner. The rain smell that is around does NOT smell like that.

But most of all, this weather gives me hope.

It's dark and dreary. Rain comes down making everything wet. And when it is almost too much, the sun shows itself. Just for a split second. For just long enough for you to remember that it won't always be dark and dreary. That's the hope.

Not "I hope you get well soon," or "I hope you have a good day at work." It's the hope that is faith. It fills your heart. It makes you believe you can continue trudging through all the muck and crap you have to put up with in life because sooner or later you will see the sun. Things will get better.