Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is There Such Thing As Car Heaven?

So, I've had my new car about a month and a half, and I LOVE it! Here are a few of the reason (in no particular order)...

  • the heater doesn't stink

  • the volume knob doesn't have a short it in (going from 1 to 17 in one click)

  • electric locks

  • electric windows

  • the throttle doesn't get stuck open when it's blizzarding outside

  • I can wear high heels and not worry about the heel getting stuck on the clutch petal

  • did I mention I have an automatic now?

  • four doors

  • the seat belt insert (the side you grab and pull across you) doesn't fall to the floor every time I take off the seat belt

  • the trunk can fit AT LEAST two suit cases

  • there's not a dent in the side from hitting my grandpa's car

  • the CUP HOLDERS are cup holders, not cup dumpers

  • I don't have to sit so close to the steering wheel (no clutch petal to pound in)

  • a key fob that actually unlocks the doors and not one that just makes a sound like a barking dog

  • the steering wheel is wrapped in leather (and man, could I tell a difference. I actually thought "Wow, this steering wheel feels REALLY good!" haha)

  • I don't have to borrow Erick's car when I need to haul kids in the back seat

  • No one will ever have to worry about which lever to pull to make the front seat fold down

  • I get GREAT gas mileage (way better than my little yellow car did)

  • there's lots of places for change, sunglasses, or anything else I might want to stash

  • I have a center console

  • Erick LIKES driving my car
  • it has a sun roof


  • (actually the most important reason)... I HAVEN'T GOTTEN STRANDED A BLOCK FROM WORK WHILE IT WAS RAINING!

Isn't it interesting the things we put up with.

(picture isn't MY car, but it sure does look the same...)