Friday, January 23, 2009

Loves of my life...

Erick is amazing. I am so blessed to have him in my life. We've been through a lot these past almost 3 years, but it's been completely worth it. He is my best friend. He is so supportive (even when he doesn't want to). He works his butt off so I can work at a job I love. It's hard that I only get to see him about 2 hours a day. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I love my church. I love the Savior. I love the Book of Mormon. But most of all I love that I love what I believe. I'm not just there because I've been attending church my whole life. I'm not there just because I have a church calling. I'm there because I want to be. I'm still young and I don't understand all the doctrine that is being taught, but I love being able to look at what I do know and see how that makes my life happy... better. People view religion differently. Some people have accused me of following blindly. I know that what I believe has shaped me into the person I am. I am happy. I love the Lord. I am ME.

I love music. I'm not the greatest singer or the greatest pianist. I'm getting better at leading the music during sacrament meeting. I'm too intimidated to lead for the ward choir. None of that changes the fact that I LOVE music. I love listening to the radio and hearing lyrics that are amazing. Maybe it's because I'm not an eloquent writer. Who knows? Playing the piano sort of rejuvenates my soul. I play when I'm happy, when I'm emotionally worn down... It's been a huge blessing in my life. Now that I have an iPod, I'll be able to collect the songs I love to hear (some of which are on my blog! yay!)

I love my job. I love knowing I am making a difference in someone's life. Working at Spectrum has been the best decision I could have ever made. I love the kids I work with (often referred to as "my kids"). I'm learning GREAT skills for when I have my own kids. I love my co-workers, I love almost everything about my job. I'm sad there has been a huge cut in education funding. We are providing so much help to students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their parents/families. I am so excited to plan summer camp this year! I had so much fun being the coordinator last year and I'm glad I get to do it again!

I have a new found love of reading. It started when Erick's school & work schedule became so crazy that I never see him. I'm home by myself a lot (especially on Fridays & Saturdays). Since August, I have read about 32 books. I know that is disgusting, but I'm happy that I have been able to find something that helps me get through all those hours.


Jenny and Al said...

And you LOVE your favorite neighbor!! Don't forget! :)